Come with your entire family to hear the 10 Commandments read from the Torah, as it was read on Mount Sinai!
Wednesday // June 12
approximately: 10:15am
Tuesday Night // June 11
Candle lighting time: 8:25pm
All Night Learning: 11:00pm
Wednesday // June 12
Shacharit: 9:30am Chabad of Dollard - 5 Sunnydale
10 Commandments reading: 10:15am
Followed by a Dairy Brunch
Candle lighting: after 9:42pm
Thursday // June 13
Shacharit: 9:30am Chabad of Dollard - 5 Sunnydale
Yizkor Memorial Service: 11:00am
Yom Tov Ends: 9:43pm
All Night Learning
Tuesday Night, June 11
Please join us for all-night learning as we delve into many interesting topics including: The Ten Commandments, Tanya, Why we are celebrating this holiday etc..
Shavuot is a time when we recommit ourselves to Torah study, and affirm our membership in the Jewish nation. Take a few moments and read some interesting and new handpicked Shavuot features from our site. You’ll find something to share with your family, and perhaps gain a new perspective on Shavuot.