Tehillim - Psalms: Songs of Praise
Every Monday! Many Jews make it a habit to say a portion of the Psalms every day. What is so special about King David's Psalms?
There are many mystical secrets hidden in the words of King David's songs to G‑d.
The Psalms are hymns of praise to G‑d. They speak of G‑d's greatness, His goodness and mercy; His power and justice. King David pours out his heart in these Psalms and avows his sincerest and purest trust in G‑d alone. Many of the Psalms are prayers and supplications to G‑d which king David prayed in times of trouble. Some psalms contain good advice, showing the way of true happiness through virtue and the fulfillment of G‑d's commandments.
Join us every Monday Evening at 7:30pm
Each class we will discuss the next chapter.
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